LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Friday, January 7, 2011

Believe in YOU

image from
I used to BELIEVE in myself. I used to train and run marathons. I used to do things waaaay out of my comfort zone.

Me on the left in Denver, Colorado at my first Triathlon
Where did that part of me go? I'm not sure.
But I tell you right sure as I live and breathe...
I am gonna BELIEVE in me again....

How about you?


  1. I just joined a Biggest Loser Challenge. I suppose this is my way of saying I believe I can make the change necessary to lose weight and get healthy.

  2. I love this blog! I have NO idea why I am unable to comment on your other site, but here you go - at least I can comment ;) BTW, I LOVE your new background there and love your journal pages - and your new pictures are so beautiful! You are a hot mama!

    I recently had a birthday party (okay, it was last Feb) where my friends of over 20 years posted pictures of me since I was in middle school - and you know what? I have spent my ENTIRE life dissatisfied with how I look - always feeling fat and not good enough. And when I saw those pictures, I realized that I was actually crazy all those years. Yes, I have always struggled with weight. But I saw that I was still good anyway - and in my adult eyes, not "fat" at all. I STILL struggle, but try not to obsess. Wish me luck ;) xoxoxoxo
